Webinar Early Stimulation for Families

From 25th to 28th May, from the Parent School of Montserrat School, we offer the possibility to learn with 4 professionals for 4 days, to discover how to develop the brains of your children from 0 to 6 years old.

Godly Play as a family

We share Godly Play stories and guidance so you can live them from home and as a family

Message and prayer for families

M. Montserrat del Pozo, Superior General of the Missionaries of Nazareth, becomes present in families with a message and offers a prayer to Jesus, Mary and Joseph in this time of confinement.

May, weekly prayer space

Material to pray as a family and ask for Mary’s intercession through an advocation of a country on each continent, during all weeks of this month dedicated to meeting our Mother more closely.

Document learning at home

From Nazareth Global Education we propose tools that can help make learning visible at home. Documents in 6 languages.

Principals Meetings

M. Montserrat and M.Núria are meeting these weeks with the Directors of the local networks of Nazareth Innovative Schools. It helps to keep mind and heart strengthened because we know we are a family. Presence, clarity and responsibility and seize the moment to offer the best.

Learning Leaders Summit

M. Montserrat participates on May 8, 2020, in the Learning Leaders Summit event, organized by EIM and Trilema, in which we will be able to listen to 7 interesting international speakers talking about the impact on education of the current moment.

Morning formations

Every morning students start with a reflection that will help them throughout the day and week. An excellent way to develop intrapersonal intelligence and critical thinking skills.

Module 1: Teacher training

Nazareth Global Education offers a free online course for teachers who want to remember what they have learned in Module 1 or share it with other teachers in schools.