During the month of January, Pope Francis has launched worldwide an invitation to pray together for all educators. So that they may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity instead of confrontation and especially helping the most vulnerable young people.
Through “The Pope Video“, the tool used by the Pontiff to spread his monthly prayer intentions in the face of the challenges of humanity and the mission of the Church, Pope Francis has sent us the following message:
“I want to propose to educators that they add a new content in teaching: fraternity.
Education is an act of love that illuminates the way for us to recover the sense of fraternity, so that we do not ignore the most vulnerable.
The educator is a witness who does not give his mental knowledge, but his convictions, his commitment to life.
One who knows how to handle the three languages well: that of the head, that of the heart and that of the hands, harmonized. And hence the joy of communicating.
And they will be listened to much more attentively and will be community builders.
Why? Because they are sowing this testimony.
Let us pray that educators will be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than confrontation and helping especially the most vulnerable young people.”
As Pope Francis asks us, let us continue to strive to be teachers who welcome, guide and accompany. Teachers committed to the integral education of children and young people, both of the heart and of intelligence. Helping them to grow in the values that underpin and sustain the educational action of our schools in all corners of the world:
· Love
· Beauty
· Kindness
· The truth
· The Sense of Sonship
· Responsibility
· Justice
· The love of a job well done
Inspired by the Holy Family of Nazareth, model and guide in our educational mission, let us accompany children and young people in their growth so that they may be intellectually mature, emotionally balanced, spiritually strong and humanly fulfilled!