In Nazareth Global Education we release a new corporate image. A new visual identity to face a changing world full of new challenges! It is a more compact and essential logo. With colors faithful to our origins but more vivid: full of light and strength. Intense colors that fill us with renewed energy!

A brand that places special emphasis on the letter “E” of “Education“, the central axis of our work.
An “E” which is also three lines. And it is that three is a significant number for us:
- They are the three components that define who we are: Nazareth, Global, Education.
- These are the three characteristics that define us as a network: synodal, generative, open to the future.
- It is Tripod Learning, the three protagonists of education: students, families and school.
- In pedagogy, he speaks of the harmony between three languages: that of the mind, that of the hands and that of the heart.
- On the spiritual plane, it is the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, prototype of unity and communion in diversity.
- It is also the Holy Family of Nazareth, model, guide and inspiration in our educational mission.
- And they are also the three dimensions of the person: spirit, soul and body.
An open letter “E”, like Nazareth Global Education. A network open to the world, to the future, to encounter, to active listening to the needs of the world and of the Church. A network open to reach out and help in need, collaboration, transformation, innovation and entrepreneurship, to take the initiative and lead change.
An “E” formed by three lines that extend and tell us to move forward, to walk… and to do it together. To have a horizon. To progress. The presence of Nazareth Global Education expands throughout the world thanks to its 6 local networks: Brazil – Paraguay, Cameroun, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Pacific and Venezuela.
We hope you like our new corporate image and that you join us in this great challenge: transforming education and being an engine of change to achieve a better world!