The Naroman Esperansa University Institute is now a reality! After two years of intense work, this week it has started its academic activity welcoming 45 future teachers.

A new generation of teachers vital to transforming and advancing the future of Timor-Leste, the poorest country in Southeast Asia and one of the poorest in the world.
During the conflict in the country in 1999, much of its infrastructure, including 80 per cent of its schools, was destroyed.
It is a very young country: half of the population is under 18 years old and a third of its inhabitants, less than 8. But a large number of these Timorese children are unable to access their right to education, which has a permanent impact on their ability to reach their full potential. A problem that particularly affects girls.
The lack of well-trained schools and teachers is a serious problem in Timor-Leste, while contributing to a spiral of greater poverty.
To change this reality, two congregations, the Handmaids of the Eucharist and the Mother of God and the Missionary Daughters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, decided to join forces to improve the educational quality of this young country and transform its future. Naroman Esperansa was born, which means “light of hope”.

First, with the construction of a School of Early Childhood Education, in July 2020.
After the expansion of the school to the Primary stage, a new phase of the project materializes. This week, the Naroman Esperansa University Institute began its academic activity for the training of a new generation of teachers in Timor-Leste.
An innovative centre for innovative education
While the Ministry of Education of Timor-Leste is improving the quality of teacher training, most Timorese teachers have little education and no training.
Naroman Esperansa wants to be a reference teacher training center in the country, betting on innovative and quality education. With a student-centered educational model that includes:
- A curriculum for the XXI century (interdisciplinary, contextualized, global). With active methodologies (which use technology as a tool) and authentic assessment, which is another form of learning.
- New roles of teachers and students: an educational model in which teachers are designers of learning experiences, while tutors and guides of students, accompanying them and helping them grow. And where students have an active role in their learning. A model that empowers them, creating competent students, capable of autonomy, self-management and self-reflection. To make decisions and take ownership of their own learning process.
- A type of student-centered organization , in terms of time, groupings (not only students, but also teachers teaching in teams), sessions and integration of subjects for interdisciplinarity.
- Learning spaces: in Naroman Esperansa the physical space is very flexible, but also the digital space is prepared to allow learning to happen anywhere and at any time.
At Naroman Esperansa University Institute, future teachers will be able to experience the same kind of innovative learning experience they will design for their future students.
Naroman Esperansa, city of learning

Naroman Esperansa doesn’t end there. It is an ambitious project that grows day by day and that integrates the entire local community to make Gleno a learning city, providing the population with training and resources so that they themselves can undertake the transformation of the country. An opportunity for the future for children, families and professionals. An opportunity for the future for Timor-Leste.
Can you help us make it happen?
Such an ambitious and transformative project requires great resources. Every contribution, no matter how small, is welcome! And your help can make a big difference in the lives of hundreds of people. We’re counting on you!
How can you collaborate?
With only € 1 per month you will be helping the children of the area to access school, as well as the daily food of the students who attend the center.

There are many students interested in studying quality teaching, but they do not have financial resources. Help us multiply the impact! Help us train more and better teachers in Timor-Leste! We explain it to you in the following video:
You can make your donation here:
IBAN ES41 2080 0473 6930 4001 9135
Or collaborate through the GoFundMe platform:

Language teachers, aid workers, material resources… All help is welcome and we are always open to listen! Send us your proposal to:
To know more:
If you want to visit the Naroman Esperansa website, click here.
If you want more information about the School of Teaching in Timor-Leste, be sure to also visit the website of the Missionary Daughters of the Holy Family of Nazareth.