Canal 10 Montevideo, Uruguay
11th August 2016: Sharing Nazaret Global Education in Canal 10 Montevideo, Uruguay.
Canal Montecarlo, Montevideo
11th August 2016: Sharing Nazaret Global Education in Canal 4 Montecarlo, Montevideo (Uruguay).
Radio Sarandí Montevideo
10th August 2016: Sharing Nazaret Global Education in Radio Sarandí, Montevideo (Uruguay).
Sharing with Fe y Alegría Uruguay
On 10th August, M. Montserrat Del Pozo spent a morning sharing Nazaret Global Education with the staff of Fe y Alegría Uruguay.
Training for Early Childhood Teachers in Brazil
On 6th and 7th August, M. Montserrat and Almudena were training the early childhood teachers of 4 schools in Brazil and 2 of Paraguay.
Looking for partnership with FTD in Sao Paulo
On 4th August, M. Montserrat Del Pozo talked about Nazaret Global Education for the staff of FTD Publisher in Sao Paulo. There is great interest in a partnership to translate and distribute Entusiasmat and Ludiletras in Brazil.
Looking for partnership with Porticus
On 3th August we had a meeting with Porticus LA to talk about the project «Capacitación y Compromiso» of Nazaret Global Education in Latin America. Hoping for a partnership in any of the countries!
Teacher Training for Fe y Alegría Santo Domingo (Ecuador)
Training Module I for 117 teachers in Santo Domingo de Tsáchilas (Ecuador) on 27th and 28th July 2016. The teachers came from 4 schools in the region: U.E. Santo Domingo, San Patricio, Juan Pablo II-Bramadora, Patricia Pilar.
Teacher Training for Fe y Alegría Manabí
25th and 26th July 2016: Module I teacher training for 4 schools of Fe y Alegría network in Manabí Region: U.E. José de Anchieta, Las Cumbres, La Dolorosa, Oswaldo, Alvarez. There were 108 participants.
Sharing the experience in Guayaquil
23rd July 2016: Sharing our experience with Fe y Alegría talking on Radio Voz de María Guayaquil!
Teacher Training for Fe y Alegría in Guayaquil (Ecuador)
On 21st and 2nd July 2016, there was teacher training for 4 schools of the Fe y Alegría network (98 participants). Module I
Teacher Training for Fe y Alegría Quito (Ecuador)
On 20th July 2016, Mónica Ferré and M. del Mar Sánchez trained the teachers of U. E. José María Velaz in Quito. The topic was Integrating Thinking Skills in the curriculum.
Teacher Training in Quito (Ecuador)
Training 154 teachers from U.E. San Gabriel in Quito (Ecuador) on 18th and 19th July 2016 (Module II).
Teacher Training in Riobamba (Ecuador)
On 14th and 15th July 2016, Mónica Ferré and M. del Mar Sánchez trained 124 teachers from U.E. San Felipe Neri in Riobamba (Ecuador).
Teacher Training in Cuenca (Ecuador)
Teacher Training Module II for 106 teachers from U. E. Borja in Cuenca (Ecuador) on 11th and 12th July 2016.